About Image Maker
Inkjet Cartridges
Recycling Issues
Reliability of Image Maker Cartridges
About Image Maker

How to place an order? How long does it take to deliver?

What other services Image Maker provides?

Where do you manufactured Image Maker laser toner cartridges?

Inkjet Cartridges

Can I turn off the color if I want to print only in black? ( For color inkjet Printers only)

How to install your cartridge? Is there any difference between the installation of Original and the Image Maker compatible cartridge? (For both inkjet and laserjet cartridges from Image Maker)

What is a nozzle? What does it do?

What is the clip on Image Maker ink cartridge?

What is this tape on the compatible cartridge?

Why does my ink cartridge have a different alphabet (E.g. A, D, R) on the product code?

Recycling Issues

How to I pack my empty cartridges for recycling?

What is the buy back price for the used cartridges?

Why should I recycle?

Reliability of Image Maker Cartridges

How is the packaging for Image Maker printer cartridges?

How reliable is Image Maker compatible cartridges?

Is it true that paying less means getting lesser paging yield with your compatible laser toner cartridges?

Is remanufactured cartridges allow in Singapore?

What are remanufactured cartridges?

What is the shelve life of Image Maker cartridge? Where should I store it?

What is the warranty for the products I bought from Image Maker?

Will I get the same quality printing with Image Maker cartridges?

Will my printer warranty be void after using your compatible cartridges?

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